The AHB2APB Bridge IP works as AHB bus slave and APB bus master. When there's no APB bus provided, the APB slave can be connected to AHB masters through the AHB2APB Bridge IP.
Compliance with the AMBA Specification, Revision 2.0 from ARM
Single and burst AHB transfer
Up to 16 APB slaves, the slave number can be configured
32-bit AHB data buses
32-bit APB data buses
Little-endian AHB systems
Big-endian and little-endian APB systems
APB slave address space are configurable (1K boundary and minimum value is 1K)
All slaves must have their address spaces aligned to a 1k boundary
Minimum address space allocated to a configured slave is 1K
Synchronous hclk/pclk, hclk is an integer multiple of pclk