The IP provides Single Error Correction - Double Error Detection (SECDED) capability. The ECC IP is available in Verilog HDL and optimized for the HME-M5 architecture.
SECDED capability implemented using the Hamming Coding scheme
Correct any single-bit errors, and detect any single-bit and double-bit error
Directly usable code for (72,64), (39,32), (36,29), (18,12) SECDED module provided
(72,64): 8-bit ECC for 64-bit message
(39,32): 7-bit ECC for 32-bit message
(36,29): 7-bit ECC for 29-bit message
(18,12): 6-bit ECC for 12-bit message
Separate encoder and decoder modules to support optimized integration with user logic
Optional input/output registered and pipeline implementation to provide increased maximum speed of operation
Optional input/output registered implementation for encoder, which can have flexible 0, 1 or 2 clock
Delay during writes for ECC computation
Optional input/output registered and pipeline implementation for decoder, which can have flexible 0, 1, 2 or 3 clock delay during reads
Use flag signals to reflect the status of received data in decoder